What Is Permaculture? 10 Ways You Can Do It!
Permaculture is a conscious design process that creates sustainable agricultural systems by mimicking natural ecosystems.
About Deer Fern (Blechnum spicant)
Deer fern (Blechnum spicant), also known as hard fern or struthiopteris spicant, thrives in the coniferous forests and shady sites of the PNW.
5 Keys To Tree Pruning: The Blacklotus Method
The Blacklotus Method for Tree Pruning is a reflection of the latest learning that the industry has to offer as well as some proven techniques we have developed over the years within our company. Our tree pruning methods are one of the things that sets us apart from some of the prevailing standards in the landscape maintenance and installation field.
The Power of Native Plants
Native plants are outstandingly beautiful, abundantly productive, and are the simple solution to an increase in biodiversity and restoration of the environment all at the same time.
Time To Plant Trees And Food
Simple enough concept with far reaching implications. Anywhere we go these days we see the signs of civilization advancing. Some of this advancement is constructive, positive, and will stand the test of time while some aspects of this advancement has placed individuals, communities, and institutions in the challenge of a generation.
Wood Chips, Mulches, Compost: What’s the difference?
Wood chips, mulches, and compost can all be very different, as each possesses distinct characteristics in terms of their composition, function, and application. There is sometimes confusion about what situations are most appropriate for each.
How To Care For Lavender In Winter: Top 5 Tips
Master the art of winter lavender care with our top 5 tips. Ensure your lavender thrives even in the cold months, retaining its vibrant color and aromatic allure.
About The Western Red Cedar (Thuja plicata)
Explore the unique features of the Western Red Cedar (Thuja plicata). Learn about its cultural and practical significance in North America.
Evergreen Huckleberry (Vaccinium ovatum): PNW Native Plant
Nestled within the lush woodlands of the Pacific Northwest, the evergreen huckleberry (Vaccinium ovatum) reigns supreme as a delightful native shrub.
How To Grow & Care For Maidenhair Fern (adiantum pedantum)
The Maidenhair Fern (Adiantum pedatum), also known as the Northern Maidenhair Fern, is a captivating plant native to North America. It adds a touch of elegance and beauty to any garden or indoor space.