5 Keys To Tree Pruning: The Blacklotus Method

The Blacklotus Method for Tree Pruning is a reflection of the latest learning that the industry has to offer as well as some proven techniques we have developed over the years within our company. Our tree pruning methods are one of the things that sets us apart from some of the prevailing standards in the landscape maintenance and installation field.

The 5 Keys to Tree Pruning

1. Recognize each tree is different.

Each tree species is unique. They all have different forms, habits, heights, care requirements, and growth rates. It is important to know the exact species of tree you are pruning and factors such as; how it normally grows, fast or slow, what form does it have, such as tall and narrow or wide shade canopy, how large can it get, 10 feet or 200 feet. With broad knowledge of the type of tree you are pruning you can make informed decisions about the most appropriate and best approaches for overall health and appearance.

2. Prune for health and appearance.

Start with the dead, dying, and diseased branches first, cutting them cleanly back to main trunk or significant side branches. Cut branches back to the branch collar and not flush with the bark/trunk as this can cause significant damage and accidental cuts in the bark and trunk. Next look for crossing or rubbing branches and remove those next. Third consider thinning out some additional branches for light and airflow. As a rule of thumb removing 25-30% of the entire leaf surface area is a maximum recommended amount. Ideally you aim for less than this amount especially with evergreen trees which often require less thinning cuts.

3. Be creative in size reduction.

Many trees are meant by genetic design to grow large. Often the wrong location and type of tree is selected. If you have to prune for function, safety, and size constraints it does not mean that you have to butcher the tree. We normally start by assessing the tallest branches first and removing them back to the main trunk or significant side branch. Working our way backwards from the tallest branches first we thin as we go creating beautifully shaped trees that do not result in every single branch being trimmed back. Over time this method yields amazing results and your trees do not look like hedge trimmed lolly pops! Unless that is what you are looking for and even then there are some other options!

4. Think long term.

Think of tree pruning as a long term process. We can enhance structure, appearance, and health over time. It can takes years to correct improper tree pruning but with our proven methods we can restore and enhance the health and overall natural appearance of trees.  We analyze what to prune this year and the following several years and have a plan for each property.

5. Never forget to circle.

When pruning trees after several pruning cuts remember to keep moving around the tree in a circle so that you don't remove too much in one area. This allows for a balanced pruning job because you can always take more on the second pass but branches tend to not be able to go back on!


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